The Planning and Development Services Department's purpose is to create an environment that fosters sustainable investment while preserving the public's welfare and the environment.
The Building Division is responsible for ensuring building and safety standards for design, construction, use, and occupancy of all buildings and structures within the City. The Division provides plan checking, permitting and inspection services for new construction, additions, renovations, alterations and remodels to ensure all structures meet minimum life safety standards established by State and local codes adopted by the City of Vallejo. The Division also responds to complaints about potentially dangerous or nuisance buildings
The Planning Division facilitates new development consistent with the City’s General Plan, specific plans, Zoning Ordinance, Sign Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other State, Federal and local regulations pertaining to new development activity. The Planning Division supports the Planning Commission, the Architectural Landmarks and Heritage Commission, and the Design Review Board.
The Code Enforcement Division works with and helps empower the citizens of Vallejo to create, promote and maintain safe, attractive and high-quality living and working environments. The Division is responsible for enforcing various ordinances of the Vallejo Municipal Code, related to maintenance of private property. The Division staff also facilitates/ supports the Code Enforcement Appeals Board, which meets on a monthly basis.
The VALUE list (Vallejo Land Use Entitlements) is a current development list for the City of Vallejo and is updated quarterly. It is a snapshot of what projects are currently in review or have recently been approved.
For more information about a specific project, please contact the Project Manager identified on the list.
In 2024, a fee study analysis to implement new fees for the recently implemented Tobacco Retail License program within the Code Enforcement division using fiscal year 2023/2024 budgeted figures, staffing, and operational information.
On or about January 17, 2025, the City of Vallejo will “authorize the Vallejo Housing Authority to” submit a request to the Regional Public Housing field office for the release of Housing Assistance Payment funds under 24 CFR Part 983 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act (QHWRA) of 1998, as amended, to undertake projects known as Sereno Village Apartments and the Vallejo Housing Collaborative for the purpose of providing affordable housing opportunities to very low and moderate income families.